Saturday, April 16, 2011

Training log (April 11-16) and training thoughts

Mon- 95/125
Tue- 100/120
Wed- 100/125
Thur- 100/120
Fri- 95/125
Sat- 105/130

    What a consistent week for me. I've never snatch 100 consistenly that many days in a row. I think on Friday it caught up with me, but I was roaring back on Saturday. On Saturday I went to Twin City Barbell and trained on the same platform with Dan Motoyoshi. Training on the same platform with someone who lifts more than me is always benificial. I always end up doing a little more than if I was doing my own thing.
    Earlier in the week I was doing some very heavy front squats that may not have been necessary. Actually, on Friday I didn't squat at all after snatches and clean and jerks and I attribute my lifts on Saturday to not squatting on Friday. Earlier in the week I had worked up to a 165 front squat and felt a PR of 170+ was not far off, but what good is all that leg strength if it doesn't carry over to the lifts? What those big squats do is make my legs tired and give me a sore back.
    Right now I'm contimplating squatting less frequently, say Mon., Wed, Sat. for max singles or else squatting every session but keeping the intensity down. From suggestion as well as practical experience I've found that keeping the intensity below 110% of my C&J makes for consistent and productive workouts with the competition lifts. This doesn't mean that I don't get good work in. Doing 5X2, 3X2, or 3X3 with 10-15kg over what you clean and jerk is no easy task, it's just more practical than doing 40kgs over my clean and jerk and holding back my competition lifts in the process. Also, I don't think it matters if I front or back squat, although I favor the front squats. What I could do is alternate front and back but keep the intensity under 110% which would be a natural way to alternate heavy/medium workouts since the back squat is easier than the front squat. I got that one from Duane Hansen. Thank you Duane.
    Leading up to Collegiates I was training on Sundays but I am going to try to make it a day of rest in the future. Training six days a week does seem to be the standard as opposed with seven. The main thing I've noticed is training environment. Training alone gets me by but is not optimal. When I go to Team Spartacus headquaters or Twin City Barbell the intensity is always higher.

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