Saturday, April 30, 2011

4/29 and 4/30 training

On Friday I worked up to 100/130 and 170 FS. It wasn't such a bad day, those are numbers that I expect out of myself on most days. Anything less than those numbers and I have to really question what I'm doing with my training.

I picked up training on Saturday by working up to 100/135 and 172PR FS.  It was great to get the 2kg PR, but you know I wanted to put 175 on the bar. You can count on 175 being loaded more often with future training.

I had some great as well as poor weight selection on Saturday. I successfully jumped from 50 to 70 to 90 in the snatch which I've never done before, then made 100, and then thought I could go right into 110, a weight I've only made once in training. Well I clarked 110, went down to 105 and couldn't do that either. In other words, I got greedy. Taking 105 after 100 would have been much wiser. It's better to get that 100+ or 130+ than to just do the same thing 100/130 all the time. To do this it takes some methodical weight selections, not just the round numbers.

I watched a Video of Jon North training and he came into the gym cold and snatched 120, then 140, then made 150 on his third attempt. It was something else to watch. I want to be in that kind of shape with my lifting. That same Jon North worked up to 155/190 recently. Honestly, how quickly a lifter can get to 90% I believe is a good indicator of their mastery of the sport. You see lifters that come in and stretch for 20 min., warm up with 50kg for 5 sets and slowly work up to top weights and that doesn't impress me. Someone who impresses me might walk in the gym and go straight to the empty bar and loosen up with it, then put 50kg on and before you know it they are up to a heavy weight just like that. I'm pretty sure I watched North go from 120 to 170 in the clean and jerk before. Something tells me those kind of jumps are inherited from Donny Shankle, but again I like that kind of mentality. It says, who cares about the light weights, what I care about is those big weights.

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