Monday, December 9, 2013

Fun/Intense 90s movies

1. Romeo + Juliet

Yep the one with Leo Dicaprio. I actually saw this movie in the theater. It wasn't the local one in Decorah, IA either. We must have been on vacation, maybe in Chicago or California. I remember my older brother had tears in his eyes as we were walking out after the movie was over. He was always more sensitive than me. I remember when our dog died he cried too but I didn't. I feel things, I'm just so internal, so introverted, intense. I'd be more likely not to cry but to go home and write about it. My dad was a teacher and we always had Macintosh computers, even those early ones with the floppy disks. I remember admiring a young girl from town and writing about it on that computer, a journal of sorts, of course my older brother found it, read it, and made fun of me, once again the extrovert. Anybody remember the game Spectre? How about Myst? Lemmings? Those were some good times.

2. The Fifth Element

Yep, Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich, "Corban Dallas" and "Li Lu", he had blonde hair and she had orange hair. That movie was rad and I'm not one to say rad, it's just what come to mind.

3. Hackers

Mess with the best, die like the rest. Yep, Angelina Jolie, those juicy lips, damn. The soundtrack to this movie was down right jawsome. That's a word I got from my dad, I think it's a combination of jaw dropping and awesome, jawsome. Hackers made you want to drink Jolt cola and stay up all night, and we did. I remember buying Jolt cola in Protovin, IA. Remember Crystal Clear Pepsi?

Those 3 movies kick ass

90s kicked ass. I don't know what happened. Clinton got out of the White House, Bush took over, War in the Middle East, Meth, Adderal, Slipknot, Economic downturn, recession, 9-11, long hair wasn't cool anymore. It's like the 90s was the 70s sort of, and the 2000s were the 80s. Hopefully the good times come back around again.

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