Saturday, November 2, 2013

Weightlifting is like sex

Weightlifting is like sex. There, I've wrote it. I'm not the only one to ever think this. Why is it like sex? Because it's a release, because you have to pour yourself into the lift, because it's a burst, because you will make noises that sound sexual as you grunt and aggressively exhale, because it's intimate, it's you and the bar, and yes to do this in competition is like having sex in front of people. There is a rhythm to it and if you can't find that rhythm then you aren't doing it right and you'll never get to the finish line. Gwen Sisto says weightlifting is parasympathetic, I would guess that sex is parasympathetic as well. That usually means it would get clumped in the "Rest and digest" category but that ain't right. Sure, there is a relaxed aspect to it, just like sex, but as we know there is something very not relaxed about it as well. It takes focus, it take concentration, you have to be into it fully, submersed, in a world within a world, same as you can't be watching the football game while you are having sex, it's possible but obviously it isn't as meaningful. That's why weightlifters might get confused as being "fussy", it's fine if music is on in the gym but not too loud, people shifting around the gym can be distracting. We are trying to reach a climax but we have to rest and calm down between each set in order to do that. That's the way it is, rest, climax, rest, climax, again and again. It's hard to rest when music is blasting or the room is full of loud discussion. I admit, that is "fussy" but it's the way it is, because weightlifting is like sex. It can be difficult for new weightlifters to perform in front of people watching because weightlifting is like sex. They have to show what they look like, what they sound like, the faces they make that occur when they bear down and lift the bar. I actually get mocked in my gym for the noises I make or the faces I make. It's no different than getting made fun of for the faces or noises you make during sex. Everyone is gonna have there own individual faces and noises when they completely bear down on a lift. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch a video of the best weightlifter to ever lift, Naim Suleymanolgu, watch the way he opens his mouth wide open before he pulls on the bar, it's like the "Oh face" as described in Office space. Good lifters pour themselves into the lift, it's a sacrifice of emotion, tension, stress, past, future, everything. That's all mainly because it's a one rep max sport, you are betting the farm on each lift, it's totally different than the efficiency needed to save your energy when doing reps. There it is, I've finally wrote it down, Weightlifting is like sex.

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