Sunday, September 15, 2013


It's September in River Falls Wisconsin and I just got out of a hot bath boiling session. The high temperature today was in the low sixties/high fifties and it'll get down in the low forties tonight, just last week the temperature was in the high eighties, sixties at night, and I was taking ice baths after training. Welcome to the Upper Midwest and as they say, if you don't like the weather, stay longer. Back to the boiling session I just got out of. I first read about boiling in Aurther Dreschlers, I'm butchering the name, anyway his Weightlifting Encyclopedia. It was something the Bulgarians would do to cut water weight before weighing in for a competition. I'm sure many others have done so also. Boiling is the opposite of the ice bath, it's time efficient. Instead of sitting in a hot tub for 20-30 minutes, you lay down, submersed, with only your head out of the water. Usually my knees come out as well because my bath isn't that big, but the main part is that most of your body is under very hot water. This cuts time down a bunch. Ten minutes goes a long way. Your core temperature rises and you sweat bunches. I tell you these are a life saver in times of cold weather. They got the job done so well that for awhile I mistakenly took them all year round. The same thing happened with ice baths. The trick is knowing when to implement which hydrotherapy. For me I'd say ice baths really come in handy when the temperature gets eighty plus. The sixties to seventies would probably be idle training weather where you could just take your regular hot shower for bodily cleansing and not have to worry about finding equilibrium through additional hydrotherapy. If anything you might want to try some contrasting hydrotherapy in this transitional period of weather. Fifties and below is when the boiling starts to come in handy. That's a wide margin too because it'll get below zero in the winter. That's when time and frequency come into play. Tonight I got out of the boil after seven minutes or so. As it gets colder I will stay in longer and maybe take two boils in one day during the dead of winter. And that's about it. There you have it, my trick to finding equilibrium through hypnotherapy for weightlifters in the Upper Midwest.

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