Saturday, August 24, 2013

meet vs competition

You hear these two different words thrown around to describe a weightlifting event. You hear about a weightlifting meet and a weightlifting competition. IMO they are two different things. Take today for instance, I coached at a mock weightlifting meet. Mock meaning that it was unofficial and meet meaning that it was a grouping of weightlifters but not a competition. The numbers were low and most were the only ones in there weight class, hence why it wasn't a competition. Exhibition would be another good word for a meet. You are showcasing what you can do legitimately with judges and a competition platform, but no competition. Most events held on the state level are meets, showcases, or exhibitions. Maybe it's different in other states, I can only speak for Minnesota. Some of the "open" events could be defined as competitions. Lifters from Northern Michigan and/or Canada come occasionally and thicken up the participants in each weight class making for some good competition. It's fine to do meets, they keep you sharp and interested, but it's competitions that are the heart of what weightlifting is all about. If you don't have a shot at gaining a place or loosing a place in your weight class, then you could have done it back in your training hall. What meets do is keep you in that performing mode so you don't get too used to lifting anti-socially. Choose your meets and competitions wisely. You don't want to come out of the woodwork until your axe is good and sharpened and is ready to be put to the test.

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