Saturday, July 14, 2012

weightlifting poetry

hip bruises, torn calluses, scrapped up shins, what are those marks on your collarbone?
knee sleeves, belts, special shoes, singlet like in wrestling.
coffee black, tapped thumbs white, rubber disks, red, blue, yellow, green.
Red lighted, white lights, good lift, no lift, misses in training.
Front squat, back squat, take your pick, you need legs to play this game.
Platform, judges, chalkbox, chalk it up, time is running out, make this lift.
What's your openers?
shake those nerves, focus, clear your head, don't bomb out.
Timing, technique, rhythm, make it flow, hook grip, don't let go.
Time stops, in the zone, six for six, on fire, dark times lead to white moments.

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