Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Every attempt looked the Same"

"Every attempt looked the same." This was and still is the highest compliment Red Wing coach John Drewes would give his lifters. John is a perfectionist, a trait that comes in handy in the sport of weightlifting. I remember PRing on the snatch and then it was time to get critiqued by him. Consistency is a premium in this sport and while technique differs according to particular body proportions, having every lift be a carbon copy of each other is a type of mastery. Technique doesn't have to be perfect, countless Olympic and world champions have proved that you can reach the very highest level in this sport without text book technique. The main thing is to have the fundamentals down and strive for every lift to look the exact same, no deviation. If you can get every lift to look the same, then you will be on the road to glory.

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