Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Every attempt looked the Same"

"Every attempt looked the same." This was and still is the highest compliment Red Wing coach John Drewes would give his lifters. John is a perfectionist, a trait that comes in handy in the sport of weightlifting. I remember PRing on the snatch and then it was time to get critiqued by him. Consistency is a premium in this sport and while technique differs according to particular body proportions, having every lift be a carbon copy of each other is a type of mastery. Technique doesn't have to be perfect, countless Olympic and world champions have proved that you can reach the very highest level in this sport without text book technique. The main thing is to have the fundamentals down and strive for every lift to look the exact same, no deviation. If you can get every lift to look the same, then you will be on the road to glory.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

RIVALUS PROMASIL Protein Review (2.33lbs) Milk Chocolate

The mix-ability of this protein powder is terrible, I'm not going to buy it again. I could care less about taste, that's not why I buy protein powder, I buy it to help with recovery. What appealed to me about this protein was that it says on the container, "THIS PRODUCT WILL NOT CAUSE AN ADVERSE ANALYTICAL FINDING AS DEFINED BY THE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITEE (IOC) OR WORLD ANTI-DOPING AGENCY (WADA). They also call it, "the athletes protein". So this product seems to be marketed at people like me who participate in a sport that has a governing body which tests there athletes. Not that I'm going to be tested anytime soon, it's just nice to know you are taking something that keeps you a clean athlete. That's about all that is good with this protein, it's marketing. It's also in a very plain container making you think it's not all about flashy bells and whistles. The worst part is, it's not just protein, it's got a bunch of other crap in it that I don't really want like beta-alanine and and vitamins that look like just filler. It's not just whey protein either, it's got seven different kinds of protein, so a protein blend. One thing is for sure, my next protein will be a straight up whey protein kind which has served me well in the past.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

signs of a weightlifter

I don't know about you all, but my shins are all scrapped up and I tore a callus today as well. Those are some of the sign of being a weightlifter, scrapped up shins and torn calluses. Some pros even go as far to grow out their thumb nails so they can hook grip the bar a little better. I also got these abrasions on my clavicle, those along with my shins I think are permanently bruised and I'm proud of my battle scars, they are the signs of a weightlifter. Coolest hair in weightlifting would have to be Nikolai Peshalov, best mullet I ever seen. If he got that bar above that mullet, it was going to be a good day.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Get off your Feet

"Get off your feet". That's what my first coach, John Drewes used to say to me at competitions. I'd be standing around chit chatting with fellow lifters or fellow coaches before warm ups and that's what he'd say, "get off your feet". I'd usually find a chair or something and sit my butt down and lay low. I had to be reminded back then, but it's second nature now. Every now and then, look around at a competition, the good lifters are laying low, relaxing. It's kind of like the calm before the storm, the more you relax and the more energy you save, the more explosive you will be when the time comes.