Sunday, October 16, 2016

Front Squat has Utility

My best weightlifting total occurred when I was doing lots of front squats, just like you hear the Bulgarians do. Front squats help me stand from cleans and have that reserve strength needed to for heavy jerks. One time a very good lifter told me that front squats helped snatch. Help your snatch? What in the world was he talking about?

My shoulders and elbows are pretty banged up, so if you take a closer look at the front squat and the back squat you see a couple key differences in regard to the shoulders. The back squat requires internal rotation of the shoulder. This is the way my shoulders want to go. I sat in school for years and years and now I sit at a desk with a computer. Most people struggle with excessive internal rotation with the upper body.

Enter the front squat. You can't do a good front squat without external rotation of the shoulders and elbow. I just feel healthy when front squatting and I walk around a little taller. So for me, mobility and function are supported by the front squat.

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