Saturday, November 7, 2015

Training Log


Beginning notes: felt like doing detail work this morning. Lighter weights.

Kang Squat- 60kg (5X5)
notes: one of those exercise where I think to myself, "am I doing this right?". Sometimes I feel like I'm stiff legging the lift and other times I feel like I'm bending my knees too much.

Trapi - 50kg (5X5)
notes: one of those Klokov exercises. Oddly enough it's another exercise where I wonder if I'm doing it correctly. Some exercise you have to do them, "just like so", in order to reap the best benefit.

Press in squat- 30kg (5X5)
notes: I practiced this lift a lot last winter and got up to around 55X5. Such a good exercise. As the case with most assistance exercises, sets and reps are more important than how much you can muster up with poor form. I might just do these frequently as a primer. They remind me how wide my feet need to be in order for my torso to be vertical. If my feet are too narrow my torso leans forward. My shins are so short that my ass gets locked up behind my calves. A wider foot position frees up my ass and lets it come through, in between my shins.


Good Mornings- 30kg (5x5)
notes: warm up/primer exercise

High Pull Holds + Stiff legged Deadlift - 35kg (5X5+5)
notes: just sort of improvising at this point

overhead triceps extensions - 25kg (4X6)
notes: these felt good, I'm gaining flexibility as well.

final notes: I finished up by fiddling with my snatch pull a bunch, nothing above 60kg, but a lot of work. I took video to see how I looked. The thing is, when I began weightlifting I sort of had a natural Dimas type of pull, he sort of has that slight hesitation in the middle of his pull while he does some shifting around. I do that naturally but coaches never liked the looks of it. I'm pretty damn sure it's a work of art. My body is much smarter than my mind and can do things I could never dream of. My best lifts were always a sort of an out of body, out of mind experience. The animal just took over.



Back Squat - 100kg (5X5)
notes: my squat has really detrained being I haven't been training it. Although it's my specialty I'm not a guy who can just squat big weight without training it.

Step Up- 50kg (3X10) (5 reps each leg)
notes: I know in my gut this is a good exercise for me. Even 50 kilos is a struggle, especially the final rep or so with that weak left leg which most likely has quite the imbalance from years of split jerking. It will be important for me to keep up with the step up and other unilateral leg exercises I've been implementing such as lunges and split squats.

Leg Extensions - 45lb (3X10)
notes: Definitely a questionable exercise but it only takes about 5 minutes to rattle off a few sets of ten. If nothing else I'm still practicing extending my legs. At the top of this exercise is the important L-shape which I am weak in, similar to the top of a hanging leg raise and similar to the completion of the first pull in the snatch and clean. So this exercise is under the umbrella of generic L-shape strengthening.

Final notes: felt great to get some morning training in.


Close Grip Bench Press- 60kg (5X5)
notes: I usually do a narrow grip on the Bench Press, but I went even narrow this time, as narrow as I could and still get my elbows to go down comfortably at my sides.

Lying Triceps Extensions- 35kg (5X5)
notes: I guess I felt I needed a little more triceps work after those narrow grip Bench Presses. No, seriously though, these are great for your triceps and help with lock-out. People with a good lock-out have good triceps, the triceps extend the arm.

Final notes: took a nap in between session, otherwise I don't think I would have gotten around to the second session. The two sessions could have been completed in one session but I feel so stresses when I do a lot of exercises in one session. This way I had time so I could spread one workout over the course of a day.

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