Saturday, February 23, 2013

Compete, more.

This is gonna be one of those blogs that sounds stupid, one of em' that sounds like a no brainer, no college required as my dad would always say, back when Ed would become Edge, the hard ass that would throw cold water in my face if I didn't wanna wake up for church on sunday. This blog is about competition and how training isn't training without it. Technique is important, sure. Puttin' in the work is important, sure. It all comes down to one thing though. I mean, what are we doin'? What is the sport of weightlifting? It's competition, and the minute you forget that is the minute you aren't training for weightlifting, you're just playing around, you are forgetting the game, you need game, be a gamer. Find someone who is a little bit stronger than you or a little bit weaker than you, the closer you guys are in strength the better. I don't care what exercises you do with that other person, it doesn't matter, but on ever set and every rep, compete, do one kilo more, do one extra rep, do the lift better, do if faster, do it cleaner, do it better. What if you don't have a training partner like that you ask? Well, you are shit out of luck in a big way but there is still a way. You have to compete with yourself and that's the hardest thing to do. You think it's easy, you think training alone means you are automatically competing with yourself, with your old numbers, with your old form and all that? No, what you have to do is play the more game. You just lifted a weight on an exercise, more. You just squatted 200 kilos, more, 201 beats 200, more. More, more, more, more. Compete.

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