Thursday, June 9, 2011

front squats and such

Update: I qualified for nationals at the Do it now Invitational held at team Spartacus headquarters in Burnsville, MN on May 15th. This is my second year qaulifying for Senior Nationals in the 77kg weight class. I placed 13th in 2010 so I expect a top 10 finish this year, but we will have to see how many 77s are entered this year.

Front squat: A week or two ago i front squatted 182KG or 401lbs with nothing to assist me but a belt and rehband knee sleeves. I did this squat alone with no spotters, but managed to video it and get it up on youtube. Needless to say I was quite excited to squat this weight. This was a goal that I thought would happen sometime before nationals, but it happened much quicker! What's my secret? I front squatted everyday after snatch and clean and jerk, and only performed singles. I wouldn't warm up much either. When I hit 182KG my warm up was 140KG,160KG,170KG,175KG, then 182KG! After doing the 182KG I asked myself, How much can these legs front squat? I think I can front squat 200KG. It may not happend tomorrow, but I see it happening. That's the kind of potential I feel I have. It would be a great acheivment for me to front squat 200KG as I have mad respect for the front squat and it helps with the clean and jerk so much.

Clean and Jerk: Not long ago I decided to max out on clean and I got 145KG. Well, one week ago I attempted to clean and jerk 145KG. I cleaned the weight well and narrowly missed the jerk because it was out front, but this was a strong attempt, the weight was at arms length, the hips were just a tad behind. This weight is gonna go, I can do it, I'm ready for it. This close miss with 145KG made me ask the question, How much can I clean and jerk potentially. The first thing that popped in my head was double bodyweight, 154KG at 77KG. It may not happen tomorrow, but I will do it.

Snatch: Snatch has hit a dry spell. It seems that my success with front squat and clean and jerk have come at the expense of my snatch. I still feel that my snatch felt the strongest when I was squatting at lower percentages, but when I did that it came at the expense of my clean and jerk and my total. It's not that my snatch is terrible, I mean I snatch 105KG weekly and 110KG is my best.

Star of the North Games: I have a local competition next weekend in Saint Cloud, MN. This competition is held every summer and rotates locations between Rochester and Saint Cloud. I'm entered in the 85kg category for this one. I figure I'll weigh in at my training bodyweight and lift some big weights leading up to nationals. No need to watch the diet for this one. I think in the future I might only reduce my weight for national competitions. I'll be in the 85s for state meets and 77s for national meets. I expect to weigh in around 79ish next weekend.

Supplements/Nutrition: I just got 6lbs of whey protein in the mail! I think it's muscle milk brand. I'm trying out some creatine called Podium Gold, actually endorced by the IWF but I'm not sure about it (it smells bad). I kinda miss my straight up cheap Creatine Monohydrate from Target. I'm back in Iowa for the summer and boy do I miss the Universities cafeteria. I'm eating big breakfasts here but what can I say, it's no buffet when you're cooking for yourself. There are some good restaraunts near by. There is this family restaurant called The Family Table and they have the biggest pancakes and alos there's this Oriental place called The Lucky Bamboo with great chicken teriyake on skewers, you get so many! Finally there is a bar near by where you can get some great ribs with a salad and baked potatoe, but it is costly especially when I devour the ribs in like 5mins. I love barbecue ribs! I need to eat out more, I've really been slackin' lately.

More updates soon!

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