Sunday, February 23, 2014

40 days of static

Some of winter is like a depressing but pleasant and appreciated radio station. That station can be found in the 10-30 degree days. Bands like David Gray, The Decemberists, and Band of Horses would be on that station. It's nice, I wouldn't listen to that station all year, but it's nice. The below zero winter days, though, those days aren't a radio station at all, they are static on the radio.

40 days of static.

Winter 2014.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

epiphany thought of the day

Actors get paid to do what everybody else does for free.

The girl I hugged at the Think Floyd concert

It was years ago, I was at the "Think Floyd" concert at the historic Surf Ballroom. I was with my friend and we were making our way to the front of the dance floor to get a better look at the Pink Floyd cover band which also included spell binding visual effects. As we were making our way to the front I blacked out of conciousness and when I came to I was hugging this beautiful girl and she was hugging me. I had no idea what had happened, we gazed at one another for a short time afterwards, and then I moved on with my friend, bewieldered to the event that just occured. I asked my friend what had happened, he said I just verred off and hugged this girl, like a heat sensor went off or something, I was an arrow and she was the target, it was unexplainable. I had completely let go and a part of me that was unknown took control.

In Psychology, George Herbert Mead calls this the, 'I and me' complex. You might know 'me', but you don't know 'I', I don't even know 'I' that well. Basically the 'me' is the part of us that follows the rules, 'me' also holds back the 'I' from breaking the rules. Like walking up to a stranger and hugging them, that isn't something 'me" would do, it's something 'I' would do. I'm pretty sure 'I' kicks ass. 'I' is the part of me that says what he means and does what he wants.

Here I am years later and I still remember that girl I hugged. It felt like fate because I barely give more than a hand shake to those I know very well, or should I say 'me' doesn't hug strangers. Yes, every now and then the walls and borders come down and we see just what life could be like if we let go and let if flow. We get lost, and in doing so we find something special along the way.

Here is to getting lost.

Winter 2014