Sunday, November 13, 2011

Life is simple, bring the rain, total loss of fear

I stay up too late but the answer isn't complicated. Step one, shut of television. Step two, go to bed. I'm not as strong as I want to be. Try harder. Harder is heavier, harder is more often, harder is more, again, more. Supplements don't do anything, it's all placebo effect. If you want to get stronger try getting more sleep, try eating more, try eating better. Stressed out? Think a drink might be the answer? Try yoga, try actually relaxing, try shutting everything off, closing your eyes and relaxing. Not proud of the way your apartment looks, clean it up, maybe if you make it look nice you might be proud enough to invite people over. Don't like the way you look? Do something about it. Make a change, try new things, get out of your comfort zone. Tired of snatching 100 all the time? Guess what? You gotta put 101 on the bar, that's it. That's all. Don't be afraid of failure. Fear is what separates winners from losers. Fear is the enemy. Think you can front squat 200? well get on with it then, who is stopping you. Oh yeah, you is stopping you. This is the real world, no body is going to give you the answers, you gotta figure em' out for yourself and when you figure it out you see it's all simple. Why can you lift well some days and you're weak other days? It's not your body, it's your mind. Your body can do so much more but the mind is afraid. You have to switch it around, the mind has to say yes, bring it on without fear, without hesitation, with desire and stomach. Not everyone has the stomach for this job, most people are soft and afraid. Choose to be the man, show them the animal, find yourself and loose yourself, bring the rain. Total loss of fear.